Advisory Board

An advisory board is a body that advises the Board of Directors and management of a corporation but does not have authority to vote on corporate matters, nor a legal fiduciary responsibility.

Types of advisory boards

  • business advisory boards
  • editorial advisory boards
  • technical advisory boards
  • scientific advisory boards

Below you will find a draft template for Rules & Regulations of an ADVISORY BOARD

This document contains the guidelines, rules and regulation for how the company’s advisory board shall be run. Each appointed member will sign this document as acceptance of these conditions and as proof of fully having understood the contents. A copy will be kept in the company’s files.

Guidelines, Rules & Regulations to Appointed Members of

the Templates Advisory Board


Members:   Name

Position: Member of the Advisory Board

Term:        1 to 2 years, 3 months notice


Contribution Business development focusing on acquisitions, sales, mergers, exit strategies, management, organisation, sales & marketing, internationalisation, and fund raising (To be specified)

Each Member of the Advisory Board is formally appointed by the Board of Directors and assigned a specific task to carry out according to the instruction given by the Board of Directors. The Member shall also act in the capacity as a general advisor on subjects where education, background and experience can give added value.

The companies’ act defines specific demands to proper management and the responsibility of any Director in the company. Although a member of the Advisory Board has no formal connection to the company, the Member shall act as if that was the case.

All information given from the Company shall be treated as confidential and shall not be sent to any 3rd person or company unless officially published by the company or approved by the Board of Directors. All members will be signing the companies Non Disclosure Agreement.



The Advisory Board’s responsibility is to make sure that the Board of Directors is given as good and qualified advice as possible. Any advice shall be delivered according to agreed terms and time schedule.


The Advisory Board shall consist of a given number of members decided by the Board of Directors at any time. The Advisory Board will be chaired by the Company’s Chairman, Founder or MD according to the Board of Directors decision.


The Advisory Board will be given fully up to date information on all relevant subjects in the company.


The Board of Directors will at all time make sure that the Advisory Board consists of members adequate to the company’s need at any time. There should be no conflict of interest that could lead to side considerations by the individual advisory board member.


The Advisory Board will conduct four regular meetings per year. Additional meetings can be called for if seen necessary by the Board of Directors. All depending on where the company is at any given time in the cycles.


Advisory Board Member   US$        35.000 per year


The members of the advisory board will have all costs related to travel etc covered by the company. However all expenses rendered shall be approved by the Board of Directors or any Officer to the company acting under instruction from the Board of Directors

London January 11th 2011

____________________                      _____________________

Templates Ltd Name

Name                                                                Member of the Advisory Board


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