EC Press Release 1 2022 – PPP Update

Below please find an overview of some of our current Private Placement Programs (PPP).

EC Small Cap Programs India

Minimum 10M EUR/USD. 40 weeks duration. Returning 30 to 50% per week (historically).

EC JV Mini Cap Program

Minimum USD 100K, 120 days returning minimum 50% gross. Can be repeated.

Tier One Buy/Sell Program – cash only

Minimum 101 M USD/EUR Returning 11B in 90 days. Can be repeated.

Ping Trading Program

PING only. Funds Do Not Move from Owners Existing Account.
Banks: Cash accounts with A rated banks in Europe, USA, Canada, and Singapore. Returning 150% for 5 days followed by 40% per week for 40 weeks.




Small Cap Tear Sheet Program

Minimum 10 M USD/EUR. Returning 3×500% in 6 weeks.

Managed SBLC Program

Minimum 100M USD/EUR. Returning 100% in 10 days, 250% in 30 days and 50% for 40 weeks. All major banks acceptable.

EC Mini Cap Tailored Programs

We can tailor investments from 1 to 9 M EUR/USD. Example; 5M will return 100% in 100 days. Can be repeated.

If interested, please contact us on: and we will send you a full information package.

Lars Johan Myrtroen, has 40 years experience in international financing and runs his operations from London, England. He established M-broking in the early 80′s and running Stavanger Bank in the Eastern part of Norway. Euro Export Invest AS was established in Oslo in 1998 owning four IT and security companies, with KSD as the leading company holding offices throughout Europe and he has been participating in several start-ups in the US, Philippines, Norway and the UK, among others British Armouring Manufacturing Inc, and Birdstep Technology ASA (Public, Norway). Also major investor in “Norges Energi AS“. He has experience from the bio-metric industry, serving as chairman of BioPrint AS, Norway, and adviser to and Director in GenKey Inc, San Francisco. Acting today as Executive Chairman in EC Capital Management Ltd, trading as Economic Consultants. He enjoys golf and started Grenland Golf Club in Skien Norway in 1980 and served as a Board Member in the Norwegian Golf Association for 4 years.

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