EC Press Release 1 – 2013

Christian Erlandsen (62) joins EC, heading Africa.

London, UK – January 14th, 2013 – EC strengthens its position in Africa.
Selected African countries have an average annual economic growth of 6% – 8% and a stable political development. This opens for several interesting investment opportunities within several different business sectors like Infrastructure, Agri businesses, Tourism and ICT.
EC has long experience and networks enabling us to assist as advisors and fundraisers by building connections between European and African companies and their new counterparts. “The continent has undergone a huge development during the last 15 years I have worked in the continent,” says Christian Erlandsen who has recently joined EC. He will operate from Kampala, Uganda and from Oslo, Norway. London will remain as HQ for EC.
Mr. Christian Erlandsen –
Christian brings with him valuable experiences both as management consultant in Norway, Europe and Africa as well as Manager in several Start Up businesses including in Africa. He holds a Bachelor degree from Norway as well as an MBA from USA. He has 20 years experience as consultant in leading international and Norwegian consultancy firms as well as 10 years from Telenor’s international operations. He has invested in his own ISP in Uganda. He looks forward to assisting you in questions around funding and operations and all the other services offered here at EC both in Africa as well as in Norway.
Economic Consultants
was established by Mr. LJ Myrtroen in 1990 in Oslo, Norway and moved to London, UK in 1996 and provides Management Services to companies – complementing In-house Expertise.
We specialize in Business Advice, Funding, Commodities and Online Trading. We have been in involved in a number of very successful Start-ups in different industries and countries over a number of years.
On our web site, you will find comprehensive information in all of the sectors we are involved including a number of helpful Templates guiding you in the right direction when writing business plans, press releases etc.
Our extensive range of contacts and consultants reaches out to all corners of the world enabling us to develop links and partnerships that will assist in meeting goals and suggesting new areas to promote growth.
Our Funding Program enables clients to seek for funding from US$ 2 million and upwards.

Make sure you follow our News Letter and take part in our exiting development!

For more information Contact:
Mr. Christian Erlandsen, Senior Partner

Phone Norway; + +47 9005 5995
Mr. Lars Johan Myrtroen, Senior Partner
London Office +44 20 8133 9055

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Lars Johan Myrtroen, has 40 years experience in international financing and runs his operations from London, England. He established M-broking in the early 80′s and running Stavanger Bank in the Eastern part of Norway. Euro Export Invest AS was established in Oslo in 1998 owning four IT and security companies, with KSD as the leading company holding offices throughout Europe and he has been participating in several start-ups in the US, Philippines, Norway and the UK, among others British Armouring Manufacturing Inc, and Birdstep Technology ASA (Public, Norway). Also major investor in “Norges Energi AS“. He has experience from the bio-metric industry, serving as chairman of BioPrint AS, Norway, and adviser to and Director in GenKey Inc, San Francisco. Acting today as Executive Chairman in EC Capital Management Ltd, trading as Economic Consultants. He enjoys golf and started Grenland Golf Club in Skien Norway in 1980 and served as a Board Member in the Norwegian Golf Association for 4 years.

Posted in Consultancy, Forum, Funding, Global Trading, Marketing, News letter